Inilah 19 Foto Tempat Terindah di Dunia yang di Lihat di Luar Angkasa

Informasi Terupdate | Sebelum postingan ini saya pernah buat postingan terkait yang berjudul "Inilah Tempat-Tempat Paling Terindah di Dunia | Dengan Photonya" yang udah menarik ribuan pengunjung ke blog saya. Mencoba mencari keberuntungan yang sama, kali saya posting "19 Foto Tempat Terindah di Dunia yang di Lihat di Luar Angkasa" WOW, bisa anda bayangkan, seperti apa saja keindahanya... Oke, disini saya punya gambaran yang bisa anda lihat di bawah ini ...

1. Indean Ocean MaldivesSisi cerah kehidupan”  
HIqXg Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

2. Pacific Ocean Hawaii Aloha!
djP0S Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

3. Aurora Australis, New Zealand

uXrGq Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

4. East coast of Spain at Night
PTFzY Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

5. Manam Volcano, Papua New Guinea
5diMP Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

6. HTV on ISS backdrop East coast of Argentina
0KYzB Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

7. Beaver Lake in Arkansas USA
fYyZ2 Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

8. East Coast of the USA, with the last light of the day visible on the horizon
x4gZX Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

9. Earth and the stars
evESO Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

10. Long Beach California night clouds
czcYP Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

11. United Kingdom and Ireland by night

nRyht Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

12. ATV launch viewed from ISS
kTKQQ Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

13. ISS solar panels
eV1S2 Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

14. French Riviera by night
FVaCq Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

15. Barcelona, Spain by night
veRHj Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

16. Super Moon
KX42t Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

17. Cape Cod, Massachusetts
6E6F5 Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

18. Moscow, Russia by Night
M2A81 Beautiful Planet   Oh I so want to go to the ISS!

19. Sunset off West Africa

Gimana menurut anda sob! Okedeh, saya minta tanggapan aja ya...

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4 Responses to "Inilah 19 Foto Tempat Terindah di Dunia yang di Lihat di Luar Angkasa"

Terimakasih ya udah repot-repot berkunjung kesini. Dan sebagai tanda jejak, dengan senang hati saya menerima setiap Komentar dari Anda. Dan bagi Anda yang Blogger, boleh menyematkan LINK di Namanya, biar Nanti saya bisa berkomentar Balik Keblog Anda!!!